Namo Bharat is India’s first semi-high-speed regional train service project being run by National Capital Region Transport Corporation(NCRTC).The train set wascreated by Alstom, a French company in Gujarat.
Features of Namo Bharat Train are:
- Seating for passengers: There will be six coaches in the Train and each coach will have two rows of two seats.This train can hold 1,700 people in one time.
- Speedof Namo Bharat Train:It will take less than an hour to cover 82 km between Delhi and Modipuram in Meerut.It is specially designed for semi high speed services.
- Guides:There are three kinds of guides: a general guide, a special guide, and a guide only for women.
- Facilities for Passengers:Each coach of Namo Bharat has Wi-Fi, CCTV cameras,charging ports ,emergency talkback buttons for passengers, and places to put your bags.
- Security: Every coach will be equipped with round-the-clock CCTV cameras.