What is the Historical Significance of the Carnival in Goa? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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What is the Historical Significance of the Carnival in Goa?


Healer, writer | Posted on

The Portuguese colonization of Goa in the year 1510 saw the introduction of all things Portuguese across this small state. Portugal is and always has been a Catholic nation, and so the spread of Catholicism across the state is evident in the architecture of its churches and even some ancient surviving homes. The same is evident of the influence of Portuguese cuisine which has of course blended in with the traditional Indian cuisine.
The origin of the Goa carnival happened almost two centuries later in the seventeen hundreds and the major significance of the carnival in Goa was to “celebrate” and indulge in lavish indulgences preceding the period of fasting and abstinence during the days of lent. The fasting and abstinence meant very rigid conscientious fasting and complete abstinence from any sexual activity. So the theme of the carnival in Goa which preceded the fasting and abstinence, was to indulge in lavish, extravagant, food, drink, and sex. However the entire tradition faded into oblivion even before the end of Portuguese rule in Goa in 1961.
It was then revived in 1965 by Timoteo Fernandes, a Goan musician who wanted to carve out a carnival in Goa, on the lines of the Carnival in Rio. All be it on a much smaller scale the carnival in Goa is prided as it’s only and the largest carnival that is hosted in India. It draws people from all over India and vacationers from many other parts of the world as well. Even the climate seems to be cooperative at this time of the year. Those four days of the carnival experienced a boom in commercial activity and an infusion of revenue from the skyrocketing tourist numbers.