What is the relationship between science and religion? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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What is the relationship between science and religion?


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Science and religion have been complementary to each other for decades. Many religious traditions are based upon scientific reasons and many traditions persuade people to search for science behind them. The interrelation is always vigorous. An intersection between science and religion could be the presence of hypotheses in both but the difference is science test and tries to prove hypotheses either correct or wrong while religion tends to believe them blindly. We can say that science puts a major emphasis on testing out things and finding reasons behind them while religion about individual beliefs. It is believed that our ancestors made every belief and religious rule with scientific importance lying behind it but passing this parcel through a long time altered many things in our religious beliefs. Also, many beliefs were made due to lack of technology which can be discarded now as of sufficient advancement still many people continue with the preset rules. This is where scientists and common people fail to get a common ground. Even a few people find it offensive for scientists to research for science lying behind a notion but we all should understand its need. Both faith and science walk hand in hand to nourish a person with much-needed nutrients.

Letsdiskussimage source- medium.com