Blogger | Posted on
A teacher plays a very vital role in a students life.Teachers are the second parents of a child.After parents teachers are the one who help the child learning.Teachers teach the students,scolds the students,makes them understand things & many more.I remember all my teachers & I really miss them.Teachers taught us so patiently.Starting from basic,how to hold pencil,how to speak & almost everything teachers showed us the right path in life.Teachers are always respected in every place & by everyone.
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Student | Posted on
Teacher play a very important role in student life a teacher have that skill to make a good career of a student or if the teacher is not good this can be worst for student a teacher can make or break the career of student. Teacher has first place in this universe before family and god.Teacher can be your best friend, family giving respect to teacher is a first primary rule for a student to follow.
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