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what is the story of amaranth pigeons?


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According to Hindu mythology, the story of the Amarnath pigeons is linked to the legend of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and the revelation of the secret of immortality in the Amarnath cave.

As per the legend, when Lord Shiva decided to reveal the secret of immortality to Goddess Parvati in the Amarnath cave, he wanted to ensure that no one else would hear the secret. So, he created a pair of pigeons, a male and a female, and began to narrate the secret to Parvati in the form of a story.

As Lord Shiva narrated the story, the pigeons listened intently. However, the male pigeon was unable to contain his excitement and flew away to share the secret with other birds.

Lord Shiva was furious when he found out what had happened and cursed the male pigeon, saying that he would never be able to reproduce or have a family. It is believed that this is why male pigeons never build nests or mate.

On the other hand, the female pigeon, who had listened to the entire story patiently without getting distracted, was blessed by Lord Shiva with the ability to lay eggs without the need for a mate. According to the legend, the eggs laid by the female pigeon hatched into baby pigeons, who are believed to have spread the message of Lord Shiva's secret to the world.

As a result, pigeons are considered sacred in the Hindu religion, and it is believed that they have a special connection with Lord Shiva. During the Amarnath Yatra, it is customary for pilgrims to feed the pigeons in the area as a way of showing respect for these birds and their association with the temple's legend.

Letsdiskuss Source:- google

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