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Sujata Patel

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What is the work of Export Import Bank ?


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The Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM Bank) is a government-owned financial institution that is dedicated to promoting cross-border trade and investment between India and other countries. The main work of EXIM Bank includes:

  1. Export Credit: EXIM Bank provides financial assistance to Indian exporters through a range of credit programs and services, including pre-shipment and post-shipment finance, export credit guarantees, and lines of credit to overseas buyers.

  2. Import Finance: EXIM Bank also provides financial assistance to Indian importers to finance the import of goods and services into India, including short-term and long-term import finance, and buyer's credit.

  3. Investment Finance: EXIM Bank supports Indian companies in their overseas investment plans by providing financial assistance in the form of project finance, equity finance, and lines of credit for overseas projects.


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