What is the world’s largest desert? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Ramesh Kumar

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What is the world’s largest desert?


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1. Antarctica(largest polar desert) - 5,500,000 Square Miles

The driest, windiest, and coldest continent on the planet is Antarctica. The Antarctic Desert is around 5.5 million square miles in size. In the winter, temperatures can plunge to -89 degrees Celsius, while in the summer, they can reach approximately 15 degrees Celsius.

The driest, windiest, and coldest continent on the planet is Antarctica. Antarctica is entirely desert, with yearly precipitation of less than 200mm. Scientists and support staff make up the majority of the temporary residents. The intensity of the sun causes sunburn and visual difficulties among individuals in Antarctica.

The strong glare of the Antarctic sun causes sunburn and visual difficulties among residents.


2. Sahara(largest non-polar desert) - 3,500,000 Square Miles

The Sahara Desert is the world's biggest desert, comprising approximately 3.5 million square miles. The vast majority of the desert is made up of rocky Hamada, enormous tracts of land covered with sand dunes. Because there is almost no vegetation growing in the central area of the desert, it is classified as hyper-arid.

The Sahara Desert is the world's biggest desert. It stretches from Morocco, Algeria, Libya, and Egypt to the west, separated by the Atlantic Ocean. Egypt ranks first in the Desert Percent, with a staggering 97 percent. That means that 97 percent of Egypt is desert.


Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on

A desert is a region that is simply very dry because its receives little to no water. To be known as a desert, an area must receive less than 250 millimeters of annual precipitation. Roughly 1/3 of Earth's land surface is a desert.

If you consider all the types of desert, then it's Antarctica which is 14 million square km. it is a cold desert. But when you talk about largest hot desert, its Sahara Desert.

The world’s largest desert is the Sahara Desert, a subtropical desert located in northern Africa. It covers a surface area of about 3.5 million square miles. It is one of the driest and hottest regions of the world. It is the largest non-polar dessert. The surface of the land is constantly being reformed bywinds and the extremely low rainfall.

Note: Most people think that Sahara is the largest dessert, but it’s the largest hot dessert. The largest dessert is Antarctica followed by the Arctic which is cold dessert but known as the largest dessert.



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is it sahara desert ?


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I think Thar desert Know as Tharparkar located in Sindh is also largest.


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The Sahara Desert, with an estimated 9.6 million square kilometers, is the largest desert in the world by surface area. In fact, it is larger than all of North America and Central America combined! The Sahara has been called "the world's greatest desert," but in fact, it is not a true desert at all 80% of the land area of the Sahara remains covered in green vegetation! The dry areas mostly lie around dunes or on mountain tops.
