What is Upgraded format of Amazon easy? - letsdiskuss
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Shikha Kudesia

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What is Upgraded format of Amazon easy?


Content writer and teacher also | Posted on

A very popular E-commerce website launched the upgraded Store format. It is Amzon. On sundat Amazon launched its upgraded"Amazon Easy" Store format. This facilitates multiple Amazon services through a single touch point. Now customer can place order by Amazon.in.

The director of Amazon India Mr. Kishore Thota said, " The company sees Amazon Easy playing an important role. It helps customers to enjoy shopping on Amazon.in and also creating local jobs and self-employment services.

The first exclusive Amazon Easy Store is now operational in Bangluru. Soon Amazon expand it's stores to the other parts of the country.

This latest Amazon easy store format will increase the number of services to customers amd also create additional sources of revenue.Letsdiskuss