What is vegan food, What are the benefits of eating vegan foods? - letsdiskuss
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Radhika Basin

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What is vegan food, What are the benefits of eating vegan foods?


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The alleged health advantages of a vegan diet are not well supported by research. The risks of the diet are, however, strongly supported by a large body of research. Many necessary vitamins and minerals, such as the fat-soluble vitamins A and D, are absent from the vegan diet.

The immune system, digestion, fertility, and hormone balance all depend on vitamins A and D. According to studies, up to 83 percent of vegans lack enough B12. Without vitamin K12, the body retains unneeded calcium in the arteries instead of transporting it to the bones.

The only way to get enough cholesterol through food is through animal sources because it is an essential component of good hormones. Animal meals include creatine, which aids in the formation of an energy reserve in cells. The body's conversion of ALA, the plant form of Omega-3 fatty acids, to DHA is ineffective.

Vegans frequently argue that diets that are heavy in fat and low in carbohydrates are harmful. There are no studies that demonstrate the superiority of a vegan diet over any other diet. People who follow a special, stringent diet may feel euphoric. However, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can have disastrous long-term implications.

Vegans can obtain roughly three times as much protein from whole foods as they require, whereas omnivores likely get an unhealthy seven times. However, vegans should exercise caution while consuming DHA essential fatty acids and the vitamins B-12 and D. One of the main contributors to pollution and ecological degradation is animal agribusiness.


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