What jobs will AI probably not destroy? - letsdiskuss
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Lina Carner

Founder Digitalu | Posted on | Science-Technology

What jobs will AI probably not destroy?


@letsuser | Posted on

.1. Engineer

2. doctors

3. Software Engineers

4. R & D

5. any job in Arts actually it will increase the skilled jobs

6. Artificial Intelligence factories (will give new jobs itself)

7. Repairing big AI machines can generates more jobs

8. Agricultural research



Entrepreneur | Posted on

Here's a graph put together by Economist.com:


Countries like Slovakia, Lithuania, Greece, Japan, Germany are at higher risk of loss of jobs due to automation. On the other hand, except two (including South Korea), there aren’t any other Asian country on the list.

So, if you're concerned about the loss of jobs in India due to AI and advanced technology, you can rest assured. It won’t exactly be happening in the next decade.

Jobs-that-AI-won't destroy-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Forbes)

(Besides, we need to have jobs in the country in the first place to have them lost to AI! ;))

According to research, 47 percent of total US employment is at risk from automation.

In another survey of Quartz, it found that 90 percent of its 1,600 respondents believe that half of the jobs would be lost to automation within five years.

To be honest, there's no doubt that the increasing prevalence of Artificial Intelligence will have a negative influence on the workforce across the world, taking away millions of jobs. And it is something that even the biggest futurists have voiced their concern for, including Mark Zuckerberg.

(This is one of the other important reasons that countries around the world should introduce a Universal Basic Income scheme.)

But all the pessimism aside, AI will also bring a lot of positive changes. And while it will eliminate many jobs, it would also bring many newer opportunities.

Back in the 1980s and 90s, when computers were becoming popular, the market pundits believed that it would negatively affect the job market. In 2019, as it stands, computers employ the highest number of people. You know tens and hundreds of people who work in IT, don’t you?

Similarly, when technology advanced in the banking sector, many thought this would result in a massive layoff. But did the introduction of ATM machines result in employment? NO! In fact, today, we have more sellers than ever.

AI is more efficient than ever in translating one language into another. But, today, the demand for human translators is at its all-time high.

Jobs-that-AI-won't destroy-letsdiskuss (Courtesy: Wall Street Journal)

Often, in the mainstream, the idea that AI will result in loss of jobs is exaggerated. Yes, technology will lead to the loss of millions of jobs. But it would also add millions of other jobs. The countries where the government is well prepared for this progressive transition -- through various investments in social schemes, skill development, and mass education -- they will remain stress-free. It all comes down to how nations are prepared to welcome AI in the employment sector.

Coming to your exact question, "what jobs will AI probably NOT destroy" -- the creative jobs remain the safest.

Yes, today, there are AI-powered tools that can write poems, songs and even sing. BUT they can't match the human touch. So, jobs in the creative sector remain the safest.

Teachers, psychologists, analysts, engineers, scientists, and so many more -- all these jobs remain very safe. The biggest burn will come for those who work in construction, manufacturing, food preparation, and agriculture, along with other low-skill jobs.

While AI will play a significant role in healthcare and education, it won't very exactly lead to loss of jobs. In fact, the need for heads to overlook operations and bring human management will only increase the number of jobs.

Sure, though, AI will introduce a lot more competition on the scene. If you're not proficient in your area, you're going to have a hard time finding a high-paying job.

Hope this answer addresses your question.


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