What-s the difference between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6s? - letsdiskuss
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What-s the difference between the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6s?


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Apple iPhone 6s vs iPhone 6, Learn 5 Differences

The company says that the iPhone 6s is a much upgraded upgrade than the iPhone 6. In terms of design, this phone is similar to its old version but the company has made many changes in the features. Next we have mentioned the same changes.
3d touch
First of all let's talk about 3D Touch. The 3D Touch of the Apple iPhone 6S is quite discussed. The company first showcased Force Touch in the Apple Watch. The company has named 3D Touch in the iPhone 6S. This 3D Touch is able to sense the pressure of your fingers and open the feature accordingly. This is a different kind of gesture. The company has launched the Peak and Pop feature with 3D Touch. Through the Peak and Pop feature, you can use many functions.For example, if you see a link on Twitter or Facebook, then through Peak you can see it from there while touching it with a little more pressure, then through the pop feature it will open the whole link in another tab. . This makes the page even easier to see.
The Apple iPhone 6S has been introduced with the Apple A9 chipset. It works on 64 bits chipset architecture. The Apple iPhone 6 was based on the Apple A8 chipset. The company claims that it is 70 percent faster than before on the basis of CPU, while in the case of graphics it has become 90 percent faster than before. Not only this, the A9 chipset is also much better in battery optimization.In the new chipset, Siri Integration has also been improved than before. Now Siri is always on. If there is a call somewhere, you can find out by saying 'Hey Siri'.
The camera
The Apple iPhone 6 was given an 8-megapixel camera while the main camera in the iPhone 6S is 12-megapixel. In the new iPhone, the company claims that this Advance is equipped with Focus Pixel technology. The company has also introduced image signal processor and better local tone mapping service with it.
The company has equipped the iPhone 6S with a live photo feature. This feature captures video up to 1.5 seconds before the photo shoot and 1.5 seconds after the shoot and you can also share it on Facebook. At the same time, it can be said that it also captures the sound with the photo. In the gallery, they look like an ordinary photo, but when you touch somewhere on the photo, the movement appears. Along with this, the iPhone 6S camera is capable of recording 4K videos.
The selfie camera of the iPhone 6s has also become better than before. In the iPhone 6, where the 1.2-megapixel selfie camera was given. The new iPhone has a 5-megapixel FaceTime camera. With this camera also you will get options like live photo and motion. On the other hand, it can be said that it has been given a ray teen flash to take a better selfie in low light. When you click a selfie, the screen will light up so that better photography can be done.
New color
While Apple iPhone 6 was in Gray, Gold and Silver colors, in the new Apple iPhone 6S Plus you will get these three colors and Rose Gold color.
Won't bend
Although it is a matter of fact that the features of the phone have been upgraded, but the iPhone 6s has become slightly thicker and heavier than the iPhone 6. The reason for this is probably the complaint of phone bending. The news of the iPhone 6 Plus bend last year was highly discussed in the media. For this reason, the company has tried to make it stronger than before.


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