What-s your favorite ice cream topping? - letsdiskuss
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Yash Surve

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What-s your favorite ice cream topping?


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There are so many topping options out there.

1. Hot fudge - This is my fav ice cream topping. This is full with the goodness of chocolate and the most delicious stopping ever had. This stopping is come in different flavours also like plain vanilla , choco chips and more of tasty flavours. Hot chocolate fudge will make your taste bud frenzy.

2. Sprinkles - sprinkle are the classic topping for every ice cream. If you prefer flavoured ice cream then sprinkles on it is the best topping.

3. Whipped Cream - whipped cream goes well with every flavour of ice cream so this is also one of my favourite topping.


Also Read :- Which ice cream is your favourite?


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