What should be the abbreviation for million, M or MM? - letsdiskuss
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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | Education

What should be the abbreviation for million, M or MM?


digital marketer | Posted on

Definition of M

The Roman numeral M is frequently used to suggest 1000.
Example of M
An price of $50,000 may be written as $50M. Internet advertisers are acquainted with CPM that's the fee in keeping with thousand impressions.
The letter k is also used represent one thousand. For example, an annual profits of $50,000 would possibly appear as $50k instead of $50M.
Definition of MM
The Roman numerals MM are used to signify a million.
Example of MM
Sales of $2,000,000 is probably written as $2MM.
I actually have visible a million represented with the aid of mn and additionally through m (each lower case).
Hence, you would possibly see $1,400,000 expressed as $1.4 million or $1.4MM or $1.4mn or $1.4m.