What things should I not try in life? - letsdiskuss
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abhishek rajput

Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on | Education

What things should I not try in life?


Veterinarian | Posted on

Drugs, bad relationships, smoking and drinking)


Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on

  • Try not to look down on others. It's regularly said that "no man knows tomorrow". Somebody that is down today, may get to the top tomorrow. Approach individuals with deference (both the more youthful and old ones). A man that you abuse today, might be a potential predetermination aide and friend in need to your family tomorrow. Never look down on any man.
    • Never permit the dread of what individuals will say or do to constrain you. Unprecedented activities and accomplishment consistently offers ascend to responses (positive or negative) from individuals. Some will debilitate and dispirit you and nearly aim you to surrender. In any case, never permit that transpire. Most men that shook their age and had their name engraved on the ways of the world, battled this dread and got successful.
    • Never chomp the finger that took care of you. Figure out how to respect and give grace to those that helped you stand tall throughout everyday life. Regardless of whether they're no longer of help to you, however without their past contribution to your life, you might not have risen the sort of individual you are currently.
    • Never look down on yourself or capacity. You don't have the foggiest idea about the degree to which your ability and potential can take you to, until you put it to most extreme use. Everything and individual improves its productivity with customary utilization. Not putting stock in yourself, potential, vision, dreams, and so on is the most straightforward alternate way to disappointment. A numbskull can rise a virtuoso, when he begin utilizing his mind.
    • Never permit your don't-have or don't-know to confine you from benefiting as much as possible from what you have and know. Most occasions, what you have to get what you need or to arrive at your ideal goal in life is the thing that you by and by have. Additionally, most occasions, what you have to become showbiz royalty throughout everyday life, is directly in your grasp or around you. Be that as it may, most occasions we look excessively far for beneficial things, that we miss the fortunes that life has deliberately positioned inside and around us. Try not to look excessively far for treasures. Check out you. In the event that you don't discover any, pick the junks around you and go them to treasures. Ages unborn will be happy you at any point lived.



Digital marketing | Posted on

According to me, these are the main things we should never do in our life:

• Never lie to yourself.

• Do not wish hate, bad or death upon your enemies.

• Do not try drugs.

• Do not try to please everyone around you.

• Do not try the same mistake you have made before again.

• Do not try to be a super human.

• Do not try to ignore your gut feeling.

• Do not try to laugh at other peoples misery.

• Do not try to be ignorant of the suffering of others.

• Do not try to argue with a stupid / idiot person.

• Do not try to answer a question, without pause and thinking.

• Do not try to force other people to change for you despite

So, try to implement these new things and see how it will positively impact your life.


student | Posted on

According to me, these are the main things we should never do in our life:

  • Don't lie to yourself.
  • Don't say 'I cannot do' to everything that looks difficult.
  • You should never depend on others. i.e be independent.
  • you should never get addicted to things which will harm you. Like alcohol, smoking, Drugs.
  • Never give up, If you are failing then you should learn from your mistake.