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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What will be the IPO price of Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Ltd?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

The IPO price of Metropolitan Stock Exchange of India Ltd won’t really be more than Rs 15. My bet is that it will be between Rs 10 and Rs 12. However, that being said, don’t hope too much from MSEI. All its hype can eventually tank given how things are right now. In fact, I would go as far as advising you against investing in it. If you will look carefully, there are a lot of red signs.

The company is running in loss. Yes, it has recentlymobilizedRs 112 crore through a rights issue. And yes, it can revamp its whole infrastructure and strategy, offering new products and services. However, the management and people running the company, although they have the right qualifications, aren’t good enough to steer it in the right direction.

So even if the price per share is less than Rs 10, don’t think it’s cheap and buy it in bulk. The company is quite diluted after its recent funding. Be cautious. And if possible, before making any move, talk to a market expert.
