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shruti arya

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What will life be after corona virus?


blogger | Posted on

COVID-19 pandemic is threatening people in more than 200 countries and acting as challenge even for the most advanced healthcare systems in the world. It’s no less of a situation then World war 3, the only difference is that in a war we are well aware of our enemies but here it’s a virus which we have left with no clue how it’s going to affect us and infect our bodies. This pandemic situation is definitely going down the annals of history and medicine at the same time, the virus left the whole humanity overwhelmed, as it has infected more than 1.5 million people and snatched almost 88000 lives worldwide.

It is amazing to see how the whole world has came together standing United to fight with this pandemic situation, it is us humans who create barriers but now it’s time we let go off those boundaries and help each other to find solutions regarding this situation.

The lockdown situation has developed the thought of patriotism in the citizens as they have came together hand in hand to save our country and their lives. I’m sure there are a lot of questions that might be coming into our minds every now and then, will life go back to normal?, how will we manage our finances?, when all of this will be over and what not. The answer is only one “ Health is wealth”, if we’ll be in a condition to survive only then the money is going to make any sense, otherwise all of your efforts and concerns just go in vein. Life will be back to what it was, if not exactly same at least some what like that, we have to start living in the reality and make arrangements accordingly. As we say, change is a part of life and life goes on with or without certain things.

How can we forget, that we are going to appreciate every little thing after this fuss and resistance. Life will be changed, we will be grateful for even the smallest things, appreciation will be increased and again we’ll get to learn a lesson that mother nature is the superiority and we all are it’s puppets, earth needed a break to heal itself and that’s why we humans had no other choice to rather stay locked.


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