When are you at your best as a person? - letsdiskuss
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Samar Pandya

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When are you at your best as a person?


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I am best as a person when I leave behind all my negativity from my life.There are lot of negative thoughts in our mind,in our day to day routine but,I believe that those negative things should be removed from our own selves so that we can say “Yes I am the best”.Its bit difficult to remove the negativity from our lives but yes its achievable when we try & make our mindset to remove it.Negativity can be removed by Meditations,having a good friend circle,engaging in different activities all day & yes keeping faith in God & remembering him always in prayers.If one tries to adapt these things I can surely say that “yes he/she is the best person”.

Also read - what is the difference between intimacy and romance?
