When is IIM CAT 2020 Registration starts, know eligibility, Application Fees? - letsdiskuss
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Shikha Kudesia

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When is IIM CAT 2020 Registration starts, know eligibility, Application Fees?


Content writer and teacher also | Posted on

IIM CAT 2020 Registration starts soon; know eligibility, Application Fees.

CAT 2020, registration window for common entrance will be available from 5th of August to 16th September.



Candidates are required to hold a bachelor's degrees with a minimum 50% marks of equivalent CGPA from an Authorized University or Institute.

For Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Person with Disability requires 45% marks in Bachelors Degree.

Candidates who are in the final year of bachelor's degree can also apply, of such candidates selected, they will be allowed to join the programme after submitting certificate.

Application Fees

The registration fees for CAT 2020 is Rs. 2000 for unreserved category.

Rs. 1000 for SC, ST and PWBD category.


CAT 2020 result will be declared approx from the second week of January 2021 atiimcat.ac.in.

Admission Process

Shortlisted candidates will face a Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Intern (PI).
