When is Sawan beginning? - letsdiskuss
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Vanisha Anand

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When is Sawan beginning?


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Sawan is the fifth monthof hindu calendar. This month is devoted to worshiping lord Shiva. It is believed that worshipping lord Shiva during this month with heart bestows success, happiness. All Monday that is somwars are known as sharwan somwars. Sawan month start from 25 July 2021 to aug 22 2021. Devotees wake up to visit temple. First puja is done early in the morning and the second is done after sunset.Letsdiskuss


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Sawan is the Holy month for Hindus. The Sawan month has begun from 25 July, 2021. It is seen as the so sacred month. According to Hindu mythology, during the "Samundra manthan", Lord Shiva consumed poison emerges from the ocean to save the whole world. Due to consumption of poison, He started to burn and then all the Gods decided to rain. That's why every year this rainy season is declared as the Sawan.



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