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Jessy Chandra

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When is the next close approach of Mars to the Earth?


Thinker | Posted on

If you have missed watching Mars when it was at its brightest and closest to Earth, you will have to wait for 17 years to see it again, according to NASA. Yes, after Mars contributed to the longest Lunar Eclipse of 21st century on July 27th, 2018 and revealing itself it its full bright form on 31st, it has gone farther from Earth for long 17 years. Now it will be seen from the Earth again only in 2035.

If you are thinking how the Red Planet contributed to the longest Lunar Eclipse of 21st century, then you should know that in every couple of years, Mars, the Earth and the Sun align themselves with the Earth in the middle and this phenomenon is known as Opposition.

Opposition happened on July 27th 2018, which was also the night of full moon, and so took place the longest Lunar Eclipse. On 31st of July, Mars was closest to the Earth and was shining the brightest.
Unfortunately, we will have to wait for 17 years to see the beautiful Red Planet again in the sky. One solace is that Mars will remain brighter than the Jupiter in the night sky until 7th September.

Mars will start moving farther from Earth in its orbit and will become fainter till mid-August. Till then, we can see it bright in the night sky.
