When is the next Steam Sale? Halloween Sale 2018 dates and times? - letsdiskuss
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Alessia Fernandez

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When is the next Steam Sale? Halloween Sale 2018 dates and times?


Business Head at Kirati Kreations | Posted on

Steam, a digital gaming distribution platform which is developed by Valve Corporation. Steam is an excellent online gaming center or a platform where playing freaks from worldwide come together, register & join the exciting game platforms. There are many genres or categories for games available on Steam. Some of them are endless running, racing games, one to one fight games & many more. Some of the very famous games the Steam gaming platform has CSGO, NFS, Track Mania, Iron Maiden, PUBG & many more.


Steam Sales offer to take place almost regularly in a year. But Steam has some exclusive PC gaming deals to offer you this spring, autumn, winter or Halloween season. Halloween is over & there was a great sales offer by Steam. The offer kicked off on Monday 29th October at 10 am & that was available till Thursday 1st November. Steam Autumn Sale will initiate on November 21st at 9:55 am PT, 12:55 pm ET & 4:55 GMT. The Autumn Sale will be ending on November 27, Tuesday at 10:45 am PT, 1:05 ET & 5:05 PM GMT. Steam Winter Sales Offer starts from December 20th Thursday at 9:55 am PT, 12:55 pm ET & 4:55 pm GMT. The sales offer will end on January 3, 2019, Thursday at 10:05 am PT, 1:05 pm ET & 5:05 pm GMT. These are unofficial sales offer dates one must keep up with the updates.