Which companies offer 24x7 customer support services for enterprise startups? - letsdiskuss
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Aha Milon

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Which companies offer 24x7 customer support services for enterprise startups?


SEO Analyst | Posted on


As we know that Startups are organizations that don't have adequate resources and have a affected budget. If a startups needs to deliver a good client service, then it should concede to source technical support. Outsourcing client support ensures that a good client support is delivered while not touching their budget. There are range of corporations offered that supply technical support for startups. However, I might prefer to add some company’s name into thought. Octopus Tech Solutions and MilesWeb are among the leading multi-channel client expertise service suppliers for several applications including Banking, E-Commerce, hi-tech and Telecommunications industries. They conjointly extends their client support services for enterprise startups. Some key services offered by them are:

• Tech Support
• Inbound Customer Support
• Outbound Customer Support
• Tech Support for Startups
• Social Media Engagement
• In-app support
• Email Support\
• Chat Support


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