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The Pitbull Terrier is the only dog breed banned in India. The ban was put in place in 2007 after a series of attacks by Pitbulls on humans. The ban also includes the Tosa Inu breed, but this breed is very rare in India and there have been no reported attacks.
There are a few reasons why Pitbulls were banned in India. First, they are a large and powerful breed of dog that can be dangerous if not properly trained and socialized. Second, Pitbulls have a reputation for being aggressive and territorial. Third, there have been a number of well-publicized attacks by Pitbulls on humans in India.
The ban on Pitbulls has been controversial, with some people arguing that it is unfair to punish an entire breed of dog for the actions of a few. Others argue that the ban is necessary to protect public safety.
It is important to note that the ban on Pitbulls is not absolute. Pitbulls that are already in India before the ban was put in place are still allowed to remain in the country. However, it is illegal to breed, import, or sell Pitbulls in India.
Also Read- Top 10 aggressive dog breed in India?
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On the 15th of November, 2022, the Government of India announced that 11 dog breeds will be banned from the country. This is because, a while back, two pit bull breeds known as Rottweiler and Dogo Argentino attacked in Ghaziabad village in India. Since then, not only were those breeds banned, but the government also announced that all dog breeds are to have either a metal chain or a muzzle attached to their necks for the safety of the citizens of India. The breeds that were banned during that time were:
Even though, the other breeds are not banned, as mentioned in the rules and guidelines, it is imperative that they are tied to a leash, a metal chain or a muzzle for their own safety, as well as the citizens of India.
Hope this answers your question.
Image Courtesy: Google
Also Read-Top 10 aggressive dog breed in India?
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