Which god battle in Hindu mythology is the most epic? - letsdiskuss
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Which god battle in Hindu mythology is the most epic?


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Over the millennia, there have been countless battles that have been deemed as epic in the Hindu mythology. To take a very simple example, the Ramayan. However, there has been a battle which is considered to be the most epic battle of all time, and that is The Kurukshetra War or more commonly known as The Mahabharat. It is said that The Mahabharat took place during 3137 BCE. That was the most brutal war that has ever been recorded in the history books of India. Millions died in that war and approximately 24,000+ people went missing after the war happened. The war took place because of family conflict between the Pandavs and the Kauravs for the throne of their kingdom Hastinapur. The war lasted a total of 18 days. Eventually, with the help of Lord Krishna, the Pandavs were able to win the Mahabharat. It is said that the only survivors of the war were the Pandavs, Lord Krishna, Satyaki and Yuyutsu. Later, during the third century BCE, the Mahabharat was written by Rishi Ved Vyas who was the grandfather of the Pandavs and the Kauravs.

Hope that this answers your question.

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