Which is best color to wear in a plain saree? - letsdiskuss
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Urmila Solanki

BBA in mass communication | Posted on | Entertainment

Which is best color to wear in a plain saree?


Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on

Very difficult to say that… actually the color of the sari isn’t important, its important who is wearing it. Bollywood is all about plain saris …they not only look classy but with right kind of accessories, they look sophisticated too. If you are fair, your options on choosing colors increase, on the other hand for darker skin tones, one has to choose carefully. My personal favorite is black and red which go with all skin tones.


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Teacher | Posted on

Saree is the most beautiful attire any Indian women can wear. But, the best color depends entirely on one’s own choices and preferences. But, generally light color looks more beautiful and soothing during summer season.


@letsuser | Posted on

I think metallic color which is polished and shiny color that you can consider grey or black color which is the best color on a plain sarees. This color is best to wear on occasion like Parties, wedding and for all festivals. Letsdiskuss


Fashion Designer... | Posted on

A saree is such a beautiful piece of fabric that you can drape in so many ways. It never fails to look timeless and elegant. You can opt for many different materials ranging from chiffon, silk and cotton, to linen and tissue. However, if you’re unsure about the design and fabric, opting for a solid color is your safest bet.

Most people like to wear a plain red or an orange saree when it comes to solid colors. I would like to think that partly the reason for these colors to be more popular than others is due to Bollywood films and actresses who glorified them in famous songs and scenes.

Think of Sushmita Sen, making her entry in ‘Main Hoon Naa’. The film really made chiffons popular among women or Priyanka Chopra in the iconic saree for the song ‘Desi Girl’. After the video of the song released, light colored and cream shades for sarees became very sought after and popular.

Plain Sarees can look beautiful regardless of the color; you have to instead focus on finding one that suits your skin tone. It doesn’t really matter if the color is popular or not, as long as it looks good on you. And besides, why is there a need to blend in with the crowd, when you have a choice to stand out and still look fabulous!



@letsuser | Posted on

You can wear plain saree in red, yellow, orange, dark, pink and numerous different hues. Be that as it may, the best shading that I think can shake the plain saree look is the shading dark. Dark saree can catch everybody's eye. Dark sarees makes you look chic and rich.


Blogger | Posted on

You can wear plain saree in red, yellow, orange, dark, pink and numerous different hues. In any case, the best shading that I think can shake the plain saree look is the shading dark. Dark saree can catch everybody's eye. Dark sarees makes you look chic and rich.


Blogger | Posted on

plain sarees looks so beautiful and elegant in any function whether its a traditional or party. you can go with contrast or designer blouse. you can choose any color what you think it suits you,style and drape with comfort gives more wonderful look.


Blogger | Posted on

If you are planning to wear plain sarees, I will recommend you to choose red, pink, yellow and blue colours plain sarees. Plain sarees of these colours look absolutely stunning.