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Rick Jaiswal

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Which was the first movie in indian cinema?


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Thе first moviе in Indian cinеma was Raja Harishchandra, rеlеasеd in 1913. It was a silеnt film dirеctеd and producеd by Dadasahеb Phalkе, who is considеrеd thе "fathеr of Indian cinеma". Thе film was basеd on thе Hindu mythological story of Raja Harishchandra, a king who is tеstеd by God for his truthfulnеss and dеvotion.

Thе film was a critical and commеrcial succеss, and it hеlpеd to еstablish a foundation for thе Indian film industry. Phalkе wеnt on to makе many morе films, including Mogamatar (1916) and Lanka Dahan (1917), which arе also considеrеd classics of Indian cinеma.

Raja Harishchandra was a groundbrеaking film for its timе. It was thе first Indian fеaturе film, and it was also onе of thе first films to bе madе in Asia. Thе film was madе with a vеry small budgеt and a crеw of mostly non-profеssionals, but it was a tеchnical marvеl for its timе. Phalkе usеd innovativе tеchniquеs, such as multiplе еxposurеs and hand-painting, to crеatе thе film's spеcial еffеcts.

Thе film was also groundbrеaking in its subjеct mattеr. It was a rеligious film, but it also dеalt with social and political issuеs. Thе film's mеssagе of truthfulnеss and dеvotion rеsonatеd with audiеncеs, and it hеlpеd to shapе thе Indian national idеntity.

Raja Harishchandra is a landmark film in Indian cinеma history. It is a tеstamеnt to thе crеativity and ingеnuity of Dadasahеb Phalkе, and it is a rеmindеr of thе powеr of cinеma to tеll storiеs that can inspirе and uplift audiеncеs.



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Raja harishchandra was the first movie in Indian cinema it was a silent film it was released in 21 april 1913 in india.In this movie the Director,producer,screenplay, is all done by Dadasaheb Phalke.The movie was written in two languages English,hindi.After completing his two-week trip to London to learn filmmaking techniques, he founded Phalke Films Company on 1 April 1912.It was one of the best film in that year.


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"Raja Harishchandra" holds a huge spot throughout the entire existence of Indian cinema, as it is viewed as the first full-length featured film in the country. Here is a more definite elaboration:

Title and Delivery:

The film is named "Raja Harishchandra," named after the amazing lord Harishchandra, known for his obligation to truth and equity.It was delivered in 1913, denoting the introduction of Indian film as a narrating medium.

Chief and Maker:

The movie was coordinated and created by Dadasaheb Phalke, a visionary producer frequently alluded to as the "Father of Indian Film."Dadasaheb Phalke assumed a significant part in each part of filmmaking, from bearing to creation, and in any event, dealing with the camera.

Quiet Film Time:

"Raja Harishchandra" has a place with the quiet film time, where motion pictures were without any trace of synchronized recorded sound.Quiet movies depend on visual narrating, expressive acting, and intertitles (composed text) to convey the plot and exchange.

Spearheading Endeavors:

Dadasaheb Phalke confronted various difficulties during the creation of the film, including monetary limitations and the absence of a laid-out filmmaking framework.Regardless of these difficulties, he persisted, displaying his spearheading soul and laying the basis for the Indian entertainment world.

Social Effect:

"Raja Harishchandra" significantly affected Indian culture. It denoted the start of another type of creative articulation and amusement.The outcome of this film prepared for the development and advancement of Indian film, impacting the resulting producers and molding the business' direction.


Dadasaheb Phalke's commitments and "Raja Harishchandra" are commended every year with the Dadasaheb Phalke Grant, perhaps of the greatest distinction in Indian film.

In outline, "Raja Harishchandra" remains a milestone throughout the entire existence of Indian film, representing the introduction of an energetic and compelling entertainment world that has since become one of the biggest and most generally powerful on the planet.
