Who has impressed you the most? Who is your inspiration in your life? - letsdiskuss
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John Colson

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Who has impressed you the most? Who is your inspiration in your life?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

There are many people we met in our lives and get to learn one or the other things. But when I think about a person who is my inspiration and someone who is my role model – it would be one and only my Mother.

My mother has taught me many lessons with the way she has lived her life and still living. She sees the best in me and tried to make me better person my improving my short- comings. Here the 3 ways how my mother has inspired me –

1. My mother taught me be strong in your tough times. No matter how difficult the situation is, how tough the path is; the only thing you have to keep in mind is be strong and trust yourself. Never let anything or anyone let you down. She always says you have to be at your strongest when you are feeling at your weakest.

2. She always makes me learn to be positive in whatever I do. If negative thought’s make me weak – I should listen to my inner power, that nothing is impossible. She says, looking something positive each day and facing the challenges will always make you stronger and powerful. And yes because of my mother I have that attitude which creates miracles in my ordinary life.

3. She always told me balance your work and family. And it’s completely fine to keep your family first. Your career will always be their but your children will not. At my childhood times she was always besides me and filled our life with happiness and joy. We never have to tell her about anything, yet she understood ever thing. Undeniably, she is an angel sent by God.



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