Who has written Bhagvad Gita? - letsdiskuss
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Umesh Kadam

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Who has written Bhagvad Gita?


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The Bhagavad Gita is a 700-verse scripture that forms part of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata. According to Hindu tradition, the Gita was narrated by the god Krishna to the Pandava prince Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. The Gita is a philosophical and devotional text that explores a wide range of topics, including the nature of reality, the purpose of life, and the path to liberation.

The authorship of the Gita is a complex and controversial issue. In the Indian tradition, the Gita is attributed to the sage Vyasa, who is also credited with compiling the Vedas and the Mahabharata. However, scholars generally believe that the Gita was written by multiple authors over a period of time. The earliest portions of the Gita are thought to date back to the 5th century BCE, while the latest portions may have been added as late as the 2nd century BCE.

Despite the uncertainty about its authorship, the Gita is one of the most widely read and revered texts in Hinduism. It has been translated into over 100 languages and has been commented on by countless scholars and saints. The Gita's message of universal love, compassion, and duty has inspired people of all faiths for centuries.


Also Read- What is the essence of Bhagwad Geeta?


Fresher | Posted on

In the book basically when shri krishna gives life lessons to arjuna in the war of kaurav and pandav .ved vyasa is the author of bhagvad geeta it does not discriminate any caste all kind of people can read and used the education in their real life.It was said by many people who read bhagvad geeta that all the problem solution you will get in bhagwad Geeta.It is one of the best book ever.



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