Who is cupid and how is he related to Valentine-s day? - letsdiskuss
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Komal Verma

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Who is cupid and how is he related to Valentine-s day?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

Valentine's day is incomplete with love and Cupid is the symbol of love, Cupid came from the Latin word cupido which means desire. According to Roman and classical mythology, Cupid was the son of Venus, god of love, desire and affection. He is the most known symbol of love on Valentine's day and everybody knows him by the image of a boy armed with bow and arrows, and piercing hearts.

He is known as a mischievous child who has wings, bows and arrows. The arrows are the symbol of desires and emotions of love, and it is said that Cupid does target those arrows at Gods and Humans that makes them to fall deeply in love. Cupid has always been a part of Valentine, be it on cards, cakes, t-shirts, or in hearts.



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