Who is dividing India, the BJP or the Congress? - letsdiskuss
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Army constable | Posted on | others

Who is dividing India, the BJP or the Congress?


Army constable | Posted on

Congress party was established by British resident A.O Hume and William wedderburn. Why they made involved with battle against their own kinsmen administering in India.
Soniya and Rajiv Gandhi meeting and marriage. group of Soniya Gandhi. Demise of the individuals from Wadra family. Gandhi relatives mystery outside visits. it resembles content of a spine chiller film. There are numerous inquiries.
Congress is the primary explanation behind isolating India till now. This phony Gandhi family crushed harmony and culture of India. For administering the nation. they are most noticeably terrible then the Mughals and Britishers. Congress separated India to fullfill the longing of Nehru to become PM.
Congress was the person who prohibited Vande Maataram for conciliating muslims.
Congress consistently remains with minority. in any case, they never thought about minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afganistan.
  • Congress wouldn't like to reestablish Somenath sanctuary. What's more, Ram doesn't exists for Congress.
  • Congress executed Hindu holy people in 1966 on the grounds that they were requesting dairy animals butcher boycott.
  • Congress set up Muslim individual law board.
  • Congress included Secular word in constitution.
  • Congress executed Hindu marriage act. Every other religion were left.
  • Congress returned Shah Bano case for pacifying muslims.
  • Congress began Hindu psychological oppression propoganda. Be that as it may, never opened mouth on Islamic psychological warfare.
  • Congress was the person who brings common brutality bill. To crush Hindus.
  • Congress will remain with China and Pakistan. On the issue of National security.
  • Congress can remain with the counter national tukde group of JNU and AMU.
  • Congress made frenzy on CAA fight. which brought about Delhi riots.
  • Congress remains with illicit Bangladesis and Rohingya psychological militants. In any case, restricts CAA.
Presently you can think. who has separated India. What's more, who is making issues in India. After BJP system congress need to distabilize India. Congress can go as far as possible to pick up power.
