Who is Founder of Haldiram? - letsdiskuss
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Pandey Chandan

Pandey Chandan

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Who is Founder of Haldiram?


Anita  Pandey

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Haldiram got started in 1941 by ganga Bishan agarwal . It makes different products like quick meals, sweets, drinks, became ice food and many more. In , made certain in the form of a small do trade with general public Sweet& namkeen store in bikaner rajasthan a small but significant town in the goat-like animal desert. shri Shivkisan agrawal the starting person of haldiram always put great value on the dream of building an empire, making of goods of great scale by machines old and wise sweets/namkeens, Leave a mark on every reason, need, cause and get close to the heart of the common man .Haldiram is an indian company of food . The company headquarter is in nagpur India . It is India 's one of the most having general approval brand for snacks and sweets . haldiram offers a wide range of sweets, Namkeens, cookies, frozen food, makes covered and many more indian snacks .


  • Achieve continuous and able to keep going growth in the business, within India and over-seas, through natural processes and inorganically .
  • Strengthen being a guide in old and wise quick meal things on a list, indian sweets and get to quality of being a chief in Western quick meal items .
  • Keep getting new things started new quality products and pleasure users by offering wide range of quality food products at in competition rates .



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haldirams today is India' S leading Mithais ( sweet meat ) and Namkeens ( like salt snacks ) brand, putting out on top its network on all continents. From an acting as if unimportant start in bikaner in 1937, haldirams has grown into a family house name in India . group man from the open lands agarwal ( generally within one's knowledge as haldiram ), opened a sweets store in bikaner a small part of the country in rajasthan India . In 1941, the name haldirams Bhujiawala' was used for the first time . group Bishans son, rameshwar friend agarwal and son of one's son or daughter, prabhu Shankar agarwal expanded the business by making certain a small making unit in Calcutta ( kolkata ) in 1950 .

The request for haldirams products was increasing . The agarwals decided to set up a large making building in nagpur maharashtra in 1970 . By 1983, they were ready to open a major do trade with general public out-let in New delhi . During the 1980s and 1990s, haldirams grew at a significant way of walking, running . A store for taking food in was opened in 1995 in delhi and in 1997, a making unit for Namkeens' was also put up . By the start of the 21st century , haldirams were sending (goods) to another country their products to Australia, Europe, Far East, Japan, Middle east and north America . It is truly a complete brand with not small person getting support or goods true, certain support . A C nielson positioned on a scale haldirams as the 98th most law brand in India . The company has sales of upward of $ 100 million ( rupees 400 Cores ) .

brand India' is an idea of a quality common to a group still limited to India . It was ardeshir Godrej who put up the first giving attention to form brand in India . He set up the making unit for high safety locks in Bombay and the producing started on May 7, 1897 . The locks were traded under Godrej' brand but the send to other countries of these locks was stopped by the British.
