Who is the new devil in Silicon Valley? - letsdiskuss
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Abdul Razzaq

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Who is the new devil in Silicon Valley?


Software engineer at HCL technologies | Posted on

As per the technologists of the Silicon Valley in California, devil is their products itself. Unbelievable, but true!

The techies associated with Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and other big tech companies are of the opinion that tech products like mobile phones, iPads, and other gadgets supporting social media websites play a devilish role in the life of their children. As per psychology, those who are in contact with things are more vary of it and it is quite evident with the example of Silicon Valley.


According to a social computing researcher, Kristin Stretcher, “doing no screen time is easier than doing a little of it” and her husband who is also a Facebook engineer agrees to it. Same is the story with Steve Jobs, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, and Mr. and Mrs. Gates.

All of them want their children to stay away from the influence of tech gadgets at least till they enter teenage. Some of them want it to be even stricter and they have extended this time period till their children enter high school.

So yea, Silicon Valley is looking for the ways to escape the influence of the “devil” they themselves feed.