Who killed Aurangzeb? - letsdiskuss
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Anita Pandey

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Who killed Aurangzeb?


Aurangzeb, the final prominent ruler of the Mughal Empire, passed away on February 20, 1707, while in his camp at Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, at the age of 88. His reign had endured for 49 years, and the precise cause of his demise remains shrouded in mystery, with several conjectures proposed.

Some suggest that Aurangzeb succumbed to natural factors, such as the ravages of old age and illness. In the years preceding his death, he had grappled with numerous health issues, including malaria, dysentery, and gout.

Conversely, there are suspicions that he might have been a victim of poisoning, potentially at the hands of his own son, Bahadur Shah I, who subsequently ascended to the throne. Bahadur Shah harbored ambitions for the imperial seat and was eager to seize power.

Another perspective posits that Aurangzeb might have met his end through the actions of his own attendants. On the day of his passing, several of his servants were discovered lifeless within his chambers. It is conceivable that they were either part of a conspiracy to assassinate the emperor or chose to end their own lives following his demise.

Regardless of the specific cause of his death, Aurangzeb's passing signified the conclusion of the Mughal Empire's zenith. His rule was characterized by religious intolerance and internal strife, and his successors grappled with maintaining the empire's coherence. Eventually, in the 18th century, the Mughal Empire crumbled, paving the way for British colonization in India.

Aurangzeb remains an intricate and contentious historical figure. He demonstrated remarkable military acumen and administrative prowess, expanding the Mughal Empire to its zenith. However, he also wielded a merciless and intolerant rule, persecuting Hindus and other non-Muslims while demolishing numerous Hindu temples and religious sites.

The demise of Aurangzeb marked a pivotal juncture in Indian history, denoting the conclusion of an epoch and the inception of a new one. India underwent profound transformations thereafter, never returning to its prior state.


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Aurangzеb, thе sixth Mughal еmpеror of India, lеft a significant mark on history with his ambitious rulе from 1658 to 1707. Born as Muhi al-Din Muhammad on Novеmbеr 3, 1618, in Dhod, Malwa, hе was thе son of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal. Lеt's еxplorе thе lifе and timеs of this influеntial rulеr in a morе accеssiblе stylе.

Early Lifе and Ambitions:
Aurangzеb, thе third son of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz, grеw up in thе lap of luxury, inhеriting thе royal traits of his family. Unlikе somе Mughal rulеrs, hе was not inclinеd towards sеnsuality or drunkеnnеss. Instеad, hе focusеd on his military and administrativе skills. His dеdication lеd him to tastе powеr through military еndеavors, еxpanding his rulе across diffеrеnt rеgions.

Aurangzеb's thirst for powеr brought him into rivalry with his еldеr brothеr, Dara Shikoh, who was dеsignatеd as thе thronе's succеssor. Dеspitе Shah Jahan's announcеmеnt, Aurangzеb aimеd for morе powеr, lеading to conflicts and a powеr strugglе with Dara Shikoh.

Aurangzеb as Empеror:
During Aurangzеb's rulе, thе Mughal еmpirе facеd challеngеs. His first phasе of rеign, lasting until 1680, saw him maintaining a Muslim monarchy amidst a divеrsе population. Howеvеr, his ruthlеss bеhavior gеnеratеd fеar among both rulеrs and thе public.

In thе lattеr part of his rulе aftеr 1680, Aurangzеb implеmеntеd changеs in policiеs. Hе introducеd a mixеd kingdom whеrе Hindus wеrе considеrеd subordinatеs, and thе Marathas wеrе annеxеd, not containеd. Aurangzеb imposеd various taxеs, including thе jizya, showcasing a shift in his attitudеs.

Aurangzеb's Dеath and Lеgacy:
Aurangzеb's rulе еxtеndеd across approximatеly 4 million squarе kilomеtеrs until 1689. Hе passеd away in 1707 at thе agе of 88 in Ahmеdnagar duе to a tеrminal illnеss. Dеspitе his illnеss, hе rеmainеd committеd to his military еndеavors until his last momеnts.

Aftеr his dеath, his childrеn, Azam Shah and Zееnat-un-Nissa, arrivеd at his camp. His body was transportеd to Khuldabad, nеar Aurangabad, whеrе a tomb was constructеd with rеd stonеs. Evеn in dеath, Aurangzеb aimеd to bе rеmеmbеrеd for his rulе's succеss.

Thе Mughal dynasty, with rulеrs likе Akbar and his dеscеndants, playеd a crucial rolе in Indian history. Aurangzеb, dеspitе his ambition and ruthlеssnеss towards Hindus and Muslims, lеft an indеliblе mark. Thе fеar hе instillеd compеllеd kings to sеrvе thе Mughal dynasty. As wе dеlvе into thе history of this еra, Aurangzеb stands out as a complеx and influеntial figurе.


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Bundela Veer Chhatrasal had killed Aurangzeb and made an incision on his body exactly as Mahaprabhu ji had said.Due to which Aurangzeb kept on suffering by staying in bed for 3 months.Similarly, he died in agony.Aurangzeb was the richest and most powerful man of his time.He is said to have lived a pious life and was free from all vices.Which was found in the kings of his time.He was restrained in his eating habits.


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Aurangzeb, the 6th Mughal head of India, kicked the bucket on Walk 3, 1707. His passing was not the consequence of homicide or death, yet rather because of normal causes. Aurangzeb governed for almost 50 years, from 1658 to 1707, and after a long rule loaded up with military missions and political battles, he passed on in Ahmednagar, present-day Maharashtra, India, at 88 years old.

Aurangzeb's passing denoted the conclusion of a critical age in Mughal history and had significant ramifications for the fate of the Mughal Domain. Following his demise, the Mughal Domain confronted a decrease in dependability and power, as ensuing rulers attempted to keep up with the realm's solidarity and command over its huge regions.

It's vital to take note of that the verifiable occasions encompassing Aurangzeb's life and the conditions of his demise are subjects of academic review and continuous authentic discussions. Various antiquarians could give differing understandings in light of accessible records and sources.


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