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Vikas joshi

Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on | others

Why ABS important for bikes?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Anti-Lock Brake System commonly known as ABS to general public is a special feature created for two wheeler vehicles to prevent them from getting slipped or misbalance while applying extreme brakes on roads.

Its function is to provide the rider in tight situations and it was never designed to take over basic safety precautions and manoeuvres.
By allowing the rider to apply the absolute maximum braking force possible repeatedly without losing grip, the bike will obviously stop faster.

It might be a small feature but is very important for Indian roads. A recent survey showed about 29.3 per cent i.e. 1.39 lakh people die on roads were two wheeler users. As a passionate rider and instructor I have experienced crashes because of other person’s Ignorance of road regulations.

ABS is definitely an urgent call for Indian motorcyclists, and the prime reason is lack of education of road safety and regulation in India. Huge chunk of people are unaware of existence of road rules, hence endangering life of both the rider and self while crossing. A sudden rash decision either by the person on or off road lead to life threating chances. Thus ABS plays a vital role in minimizing such incidences.

Due to the volume of data collected by the surveys, government has mandate that all two wheelers above 125cc engines (cylinder capacity) must compulsory be provided with ABS from 1st April 2018.



Blogger | Posted on

Allows simply state that I'll never purchase another bicycle without ABS in it. It's that imperative.

Most bicycles utilize front brakes for conveying them to a stop - and under hard braking, ABS keeps the wheels from locking up, which means, your tire won't slip.

ABS is normally turned off on track, while hustling on the grounds that , a) the riders are utilizing smooth tires which have amazing grasp and b) they slide into the corners - which ABS would counteract.

You purchase a bicycle, you get it with ABS, don't bother the bologna alternate bikers sell. It's your legs when you fall .


Blogging | Posted on

The brake controls help to balance the braking force applied to the front and rear wheels to ensure optimum braking. ... Motorcycle ABS helps to prevent wheel lock up and therefore can keep the rider upright. The technology can help to reduce braking distance and in the event of a crash, can reduce the impact of speed.


Blogger | Posted on

bicycle solidness and expanding the danger of smashing. non-freezing stopping mechanism innovation may help keep this vehicle. so how motorcycles activists function amid a crisis braking circumstance the wheels can bolt up causing. ... at the point when the rider applies the brakes ABS