Why are all the top tech companies in the USA? - letsdiskuss
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Ajay Paswan

Physical Education Trainer | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why are all the top tech companies in the USA?


Blogger | Posted on

I wouldn't say that all of the major tech leaders are from the USA. Let's name a few that are not:

Xiaomi, a Chinese tech company that makes low cost phones with really good specs

Samsung (they are #2 by revenue in the technology industry) is based in south Korea

Foxconn, a major component manufacturer, is based out of Taiwan

Sony, which is based in Japan

Panasonic, also Japan

Toshiba, another one from Japan

LG has its headquarters in south Korea

Most of these companies you will most likely have heard of. Also, almost all of them do both hardware and software, so they span the tech industry.

As you can see, although silicon valley is a hub of technology companies and startups, the US isn't the sole country with market share


Blogger | Posted on

All is very definitive.

The many of the largest outsourcing companies are Indian which means if you rank companies by employees they are some of the largest.

One of the largest enterprise software companies is SAP which is German.

Alibaba and Tencent (Chinese) are two of the top 10 cloud companies in the world.

The largest mobile phone company in the world is Samsung (Korean).

It is true that there are a lot of successful IT companies coming out of Silicon Valley. This is because this are provides a number of key ingredients: (1) Startup Capital with many early IT pioneers reinvesting in startups. (2) Talent. There is an attraction for smart people to work for the larger companies and then leave to start their own. (3) Culture. It is OK to start a company and then fail. (4) Numbers we hear of the successes. We don't hear about the hundreds of tech startups that fail every year. (5) Government support. There are many government research institutions and Universities in this area which often fund the fundamental research that becomes a commercial product e.g. Google.

Another dynamic area of tech is Austin Texas that was


Blogger | Posted on

I really can't help contradicting different answers on the grounds that your inquiry asks "why almost..." and you are correct. While there are enormous innovation organizations in different nations around the globe, US has the greater piece of these organizations. Truth be told on the off chance that you take the rundown of best 100 organizations by their income, US will probably have more than 90 of those organizations.

I think the solution to your inquiry lies in Economic arrangements and culture that have empowered hazard taking conduct. Let me simply list a couple


fashion analyst | Posted on

The answer is really very simple—because of the advanced infrastructure in the USA. Why do you think it’s called the land of opportunity?

The country is blessed with geographical advantage and historical richness, which always provides it with ample of opportunities in every sector to lead. Even a century back it was well ahead of other countries. And even today, including in the tech industry, it’s ahead.

Take any top company, for example, Facebook, Google, Uber, Amazon and what not—they are all based in the USA. One reason is that innovation is encouraged there. Individual’s unique ideas are provided with immense support from the society and government, which help them grow.

Do you think the idea for an app like Uber would have sustained in countries like India a few years back? India lacked the kind of internet facility that this app requires, there was less smartphone access. People were skeptical to tech advances.

Innovation only survives where they are supported.

In the USA, internet connection was good. More number of people used smartphones. They were educated to know about the benefits of technology. So when they saw an app like Uber that made their lives easier, they embraced it with open arms.

So the majority of top tech companies are in the USA because the country supports innovative thinkers with the right infrastructure. Other countries are getting there too. So in coming days, we might see an end of USA’s monopoly in terms of technology.


@letsuser | Posted on

Cisco is the top tech company in usa


students | Posted on

Indeed, as a matter of first importance, it's a fairly erroneous end. Alibaba, Spotify, Nokia, Samsung, Sony…

For reasons unknown today, many are comparing "Large Tech" to web and programming based organizations alone. Tech just methods applied advancement. That scrumptious new refreshment you're drinking depends on tech.

However, that is irrelevant; we recognize what you mean.

Other than it not being totally exact, it is to some degree precise; and we can acknowledge why.

Financial analyst Peter Drucker: "Just two things make an incentive in business: advancement and showcasing, and advertising is the recognizing of the two."

The U.S. being home to Silicon Valley isn't an aftereffect of Cisco, HP, or Google. It was an intermingling of culture, capital, and a monetary development unheard of since the war machine of WWII.

Showcasing. Indeed.

The market foundation of the Computer, to a great extent there, and afterward the web, and cell phone, drove an upper hand there, and from that point, with the innovation we use today.

It was structured in English, custom-made to U.S. shoppers, and adapted (to a great extent at first) in U.S. cash, and for U.S. organizations and purchasers.

Presently, the innovation isn't what keeps up that advantage. As we probably am aware, we as a whole approach that web, the tech can be bought, everybody is learning the code, and hell, we realize only one out of every odd nation sticks to Patents and IP.


Blogger | Posted on



Blogger | Posted on

Qualcomm QCOM +1.57% also slipped on this year’s list, falling 390 spots from the global list but still managing to grab the 28th largest tech company spot.