Why Big B is losing followers on Twitter? - letsdiskuss
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Medha Kapoor

B.A. (Journalism & Mass Communication) | Posted on | Entertainment

Why Big B is losing followers on Twitter?


social media expert | Posted on

The number of fake/spam accounts has increased so much that Twitter has now started deleting them.

This is the reason why most of the people are facing loss in Twitter followers because the have fake/spam followers.

You can also check your own followers and know if there are any fake follower in your account and remove/report it by using the tool followeraudit (https://www.followeraudit.com/)

Also you can check other public twitter accounts fake followers too!


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

Everybody loses their mind when they lose their hard earned money and in today’s world losing your followers on social media is not less than that. Nobody likes to lose their followers and recently, the veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan noticed a sudden decline of his around 2 lakh followers on micro-blogging site, Twitter.

Due to this the most followed actor in India has slipped down to a few places and Badshah of the Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan has sneaked into top of the most followed actor list.

The root cause of this sudden decline of Big B's followers has not cleared yet but there could be below given reasons:

1) Being inactive. (BigB is quite active)

2) Yourtweet simply sucks.

3) Twitter is doing a clean up of fake followers, aka bots.

After all this chaos, the actor had jokingly tweeted a tweet to quit Twitter for reducing his follower and recently, penned a poem addressed to Twitter, "I am trying to publish something but you are not allowing it...You have already removed my followers...now please don't take this away".
