why cant you ban ciggrates if you can pubg - letsdiskuss
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varma R

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why cant you ban ciggrates if you can pubg


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Fair question.

It’s funny, and equally baffling, how Indian media, parents and even judiciary went into a frenzy on a few deaths related to a game and yet nobody cares about one crore people dying in the country due to tobacco-related illnesses.

Now note, smoking in India in public places is banned. However, nobody cares about it. Even the policemen smoke in public.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: One India)

Personally, this banning culture doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Banning something is NEVER the right solution.

Do you really think banning a game would prevent someone from playing it beyond the limit? There are literally tens of ways to bypass this ban!

Here’s what happened with PUBG…

(Courtesy: SportsKeeda)

The media saw an opportunity to manipulate parents’ fear and create panic. Indian parents, as they are, over-protective of their kids, fell for this exasperated reporting against a game. There were minor protests here and there to ban PUBG. Media further highlighted this in a way that such protests are happening across the country. The judiciary, in rush, pulled the vanilla measure that it has always been fond of – “BAN”. It banned the game. Parents felt something has happened – not caring about whether or not will it be impactful. They went back to their homes, satisfied.

This whole event looks incredibly stupid.

Foremost, it’s fascinating how Indian parents fail to realize that it’s NOT the game – it’s them. They have failed as parents. Stop blaming a mobile game. Your child is playing a game on his phone because you have forced him to study 6, 7, 8 hours a day outside the school and NOT go out and play with friends. Your child is used to spend hours on his phone every day because you never spent some quality time with him. Your child is glued to a game, which assumingly is his escapism, because you forced him to be an engineer or doctor when, in fact, he wanted to be a street artist or a singer.

It’s not PUBG. It’s you – the parents – and your failure as a parent.

All kind of addiction comes from some reason.

People get addicted to cigarette because they are always stressed out. They get addicted to alcohol because, maybe, they have been cheated on in a relationship. There are many reasons.

For parents, it’s incredibly important to understand that if their child is playing hours of a game, why are they doing it? What’s the reason?

(Courtesy: India Today)

Coming to your exact question…

Cigarette and even alcohol companies likely give a ridiculous amount of money to the government officials. To that, they even have a much higher reach in the political ecosystem. So, banning them is not possible. Because money plays a crucial role here.

Wherein, about PUBG, they don’t get money from the makers. So, planning to ban the game isn’t such a difficult task.

Hope this answers your question.


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