Why developing human eggs in the laboratory is such a big breakthrough? Why it’s such a big hype? How does it help? - letsdiskuss
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Rahul Mehra

System Analyst (Wipro) | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why developing human eggs in the laboratory is such a big breakthrough? Why it’s such a big hype? How does it help?


Manager at Amazon | Posted on

Well, the hype isn’t as much about this breakthrough itself as the number of doors it would open for future scientific breakthroughs. In the coming years, it could significantly help, if used well, to control populations, as well as to nurture genetically enhanced embryo. While these ideas are very futuristic, they are something why many people see this progress of developing human eggs in the laboratory an incredible leap forward.

Talking about this breakthrough itself, this is the first time scientists have done it with human eggs, which isn’t easy.

It would open doors for fertility preservation for women who are at risk of premature fertility loss, bringing women more choices, especially those who are undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Women wouldn’t have to preserve their fertility for later implantation, which carries the risk of implanting contaminated or cancer cells back to the person. So the development of such eggs is a great step forward that can solve these problems.



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