Why did the government halt the export of Basmati rice? - letsdiskuss
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Viku Singh

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Why did the government halt the export of Basmati rice?


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The government stopped sending basmati rice to other countries for two main reasons:

First, they want to make sure that the price of rice doesn't go too high in our own country. Rice prices have been going up recently, and the government is worried that some people might not have enough food to eat if it keeps getting more expensive. So, by not sending rice abroad, they hope to keep the prices lower here.

Second, they want to stop people from pretending that regular rice is actually basmati rice so they can sell it for more money. Some traders have been doing this, and it's not fair. To stop this, the government made a rule that basmati rice can't be sold to other countries for less than $1,200 per tonne. They are also making a group to check and make sure rice is labeled correctly.

Some people like this decision because they think it will help keep rice prices down and stop cheating. But others don't like it because they think it will hurt the rice business and the farmers.

The government will watch what happens in the next few months to see if this was a good idea or not.


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