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why do animals become extinct?


student | Posted on

Animals are an essential part of nature and ecosystem. They are very useful for maintaining biodiversity. They are of great uses too. But, today there are many species that become extinct. It means they are vanished from our environment totally. The main reason behind their extinction includes-

  • Climatic changes
  • Spread of diseases
  • Loss of habitat
  • Deforestation
  • Lack of Genetic Diversity
  • Invasive Species
  • Food shortage
  • Pollution
  • Exploitation of nature
  • Human activities
  • Asteroid Strikes

The extinction of animals can be reduced by solving all the issues such as afforestation, provide food to them, Preserve nature, etc.


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Since the dawn of modern science, all sorts of amazing animals have gone extinct. It seems like only yesterday that elephants were roaming South Africa and giant tortoises were very common on the Galapagos Islands. But due to innumerable human activities, these creatures are no longer with us.
One of the most intriguing questions is "why do animals become extinct?" Globally, about one species goes extinct every year. But the earth has been around for billions of years and several barriers keep some animals from becoming extinct.
Species are classified into two basic groups: endemic and cosmopolitan. Endemic species can only be found in a specific region of the world. They have evolved to co-exist with other species found only in that area. Cosmopolitan species can be found anywhere in the world and are very adaptable to different environments. Most animal and plant species that exist today are cosmopolitan.


translator | Posted on

Extinction of animals is happening in a very rapid speed because of human activity.The main reason is deforestation and over exploitation of nature.Wild animals and marine lives are lost because of these human greed.Animals loose their home and natural habitat because of cleaning up of forest for human civilization and industries.
Natural calamities like volcanic eruptions and asteroid impacts had destroyed many species in the past.Climatic changes and different types of pollution have resulted in extinction.Plastic pollution in the ocean and sea have ended many marine species .



Content writer | Posted on

Extinction means the end of a species and this can occur due to various reasons like global warming,natural disasters,decline in reproduction,and over exploitation of the nature by the humans.
New diseases found in the wildlife, animal trafficking, hunting and poaching of animals for games and animal skin products are all resulting in species extinction.
Ecosystem is dependent on one another for their survival and if one species become extinct it affects others who are dependent on it. Extinction of one species endangers the food chain of the other, So saving every species be it wild animals or insects or fishes all add up to a good habitat conducive for living.
