Why do people keep secrets? - letsdiskuss
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Trishna Dhanda

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Why do people keep secrets?


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We often wonder why people keep secrets. Well, some people keep secrets to save themselves from an embarrassing situation. While others fear that their relationship can get destroyed if the big secret is revealed. No one wants to lose his/her closed ones just for an unhealthy truth. Many people try not to reveal their secrets to maintain their reputation to others. Some like to keep secrets to avoid any kind of trouble. Others keep secrets with themselves even if it hurts them deeply. Then why? Maybe to save a brother, sister, friend, or someone very special to his/her life. But is it good to keep secrets? Yes, sometimes it is. The secrets that can save someone from a serious problem without causing harm to anyone, are not bad. But there are many problems with keeping a secret. For example, it creates depression, anxiety and worsens your overall health condition. Now you may have a question.


Can people keep secrets despite such problems? Well, these health issues vary from person to person. Some people do not get affected by keeping secrets. While some people get badly affected both in terms of mind and health. They feel guilty for keeping secrets. But sometimes the situation demands so from us. But still, they try their best to keep secrets as they want to live with everyone happy ever after.

Remember, we should always try to avoid situations or things or people that can force us to keep secrets.

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