Why do some Hindu Gods have animal features? - letsdiskuss
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parvin singh

Army constable | Posted on | Education

Why do some Hindu Gods have animal features?


Net Qualified (A.U.) | Posted on

Allow us to take the case of Lord Ganesha who has the top of an elephant. Master Ganesha was seen in that manner by the entirety of his aficionados and sadhus so no one has wanted to doubt or bore into subtleties. Without scrutinizing current realities, we love him as it a set example and we are following it. This inquiry has various answers

First segment accept that Lord Ganesha is a living being with the face of an elephant.

Others accept that the elephant head is emblematic to address him as the God of Obstacles, however he is the most famous divinity cherished by a wide part of the general public going from children to elderly individuals.

There are various stories which reveal to us how he got this appearance. The Puranas ( antiquated Hindu writings) depicts how Lord Ganesha got the elephant tusk and story is identified with his introduction to the world which clarifies that Lord Shiva and Parvati made him. Ganesha is considered as the remover of impediments who gives achievement, thriving and fortune.

Different other Hindu divinities have creature highlights like Lord Hanuman, Varuna, Kamadhenu, the Nagas, the Vahanas (creature mounts of the Gods) and four of Vishnu's ten manifestations (fish, turtle, pig and half-man-half-lion).

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