Why do we celebrate Holi? - letsdiskuss
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Pandey Chandan

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Why do we celebrate Holi?


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Holi is a hindu great event that has been noted since of old times . The holi great event is noted as a way to sign of being taken well in spring, and also is seen as a new start where people can release all their inhibitions and start fresh . It is said that during the holi great event, the the all-powerful beings turn a blind eye, and it is one of the few times greatly serious about religion persons from India let themselves to let loose . They open up and have special rights each other's company, take time to dance and Party , and throw their art and learning norms to the side . On the first day of the great event, an out-door fire is made lighted to symbolically burn away all the bad and give way to a full of color and vibrant new future .At the holi great event, ones taking part throw powder dye into the air, covering all in waiting, being present at with vibrant colors . In a with strong feeling of religion sense, the colors are good quality with symbolism and have multiple senses: they can mean a vibrant new living and even represent do wrong in a way . For some, washing off the dye at the end of the day can mean new undertaking to do to live well, as cleaning oneself of wrong, bad things and bad beings . holi is one of the most respected deeply and noted public pleasure-making of India and it is noted in almost every part of the country . It is also sometimes named as the "great event of love"& "great event of colors" as one this day people get to put together overlooking all bitter feelings and all types of bad feeling in the direction of each other .This great event lasts for a day and a night, which starts in the night-fall of purnima or the Full Moon Day in the month of falgun . It is noted with the name holika Dahan or Choti holi on first night-fall of the great event and the coming here-after day is named holi .This great event's Mark's the end of winter in India and it is a day in which we drop all ill feelings that we keep for each other and note with free from wrongdoing and oneness .It is a day in which we see all as equal not taking into account of caste , color and so on .This great event has a beautiful story behind it, but even more beautiful is the symbolism of this great event . have knowledge of more about this symbolism in the video above .



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