Why does India not take a big action against Pakistan? How long will our soldiers sacrifice their lives? - letsdiskuss
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Why does India not take a big action against Pakistan? How long will our soldiers sacrifice their lives?


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It’s plain and simple—war comes with a hefty cost than can completely destroy the economy. And neither of these countries would want that.

In 1999, Kargil War cost Rs 5000 crore a week. Today, it could cost Rs 5000 crore per day. In total, a fresh war could cost at least Rs 2,50,000 crore to India. (These numbers are taken from the Quint!)

Now do you really think India is that dumb to waste that kind of money? Or even Pakistan is that dumb? India is a growing economy, an emerging global leader. It cannot afford a war at this crucial conjecture. Imagine the money that would go in a war being spent in the agriculture sector, reducing unemployment, building roads.

Beside these economic reasons, political angle too comes into play. While BJP has always pretended to take a tough stance against Pakistan- before General election even hinting it could go into a war – it won’t do it now except for going with small retaliatory counters. Because in war, it’s imminent the soldiers will lose their life. If that happens, the opposition parties can easily corner the government on this sensitive topic. So, Indian government won’t go ahead with the idea of full-blown war. From time to time, we will see BJP acting tough. But it won’t really take any major step.

Besides let’s not forget, if India does goes for a war, it can put a dent on its reputation and credibility on the global scene. And that’s the last thing BJP government wants now.



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