Why does someone keep deactivating and reactivating their facebook? - letsdiskuss
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Divya vashistha

homemaker.blogger | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why does someone keep deactivating and reactivating their facebook?


Student | Posted on

Nowadays it has been seen that many users are deactivating their Facebook accounts and after a time again reactivating the account. Facebook is a temporary social networking platform where one can do whatever they want with their accounts. This may happen due to several reasons. Many people are suffering from depression and during that phase, they feel lonely and sad. So, they deactivate their Facebook account to seek attention from their friends. Also, deactivating Facebook accounts may be due to cyberbullying and privacy reasons. Facebook is a time consuming and addictive social networking site. So, after deactivating the account one will feel bored and will try to reactivate it again. This deactivation and reactivation can also be due to mood swings very often.


There are very few who completely quit Facebook. One-third of people shared that they took a break from Facebook but couldn’t continue it for a longer period. Despite having many privacy issues with this app people are again back on this site as it also has become one of the best selling and buying platform. Also, this is one of the best social networking sites where one can present their talents and creativity publicly. As Facebook is very addictive so the most school or college students cannot concentrate on their studies and that’s why they are deactivating their accounts for some time but again reactivating. People prefer deactivation over deletion as it will help to reopen the account if someone changes their mind.