Why Indian media doesn’t cover the army’s brutality in Manipur? - letsdiskuss
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Abdul Malik

News reporter (CEN News ) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why Indian media doesn’t cover the army’s brutality in Manipur?


Makeup artist at Jawed Habib | Posted on

Apparently, the people in this country (or any other country, for that matter) don’t want to hear views and voices against their army men. And part of the reason behind this is media itself and their hyper-nationalist stance. To that, politicians do their part equally well in hushing, blaming and demonizing anyone who question and blame the soldiers.

So whether in Manipur or anywhere, Indian media avoid covering anything that is against Indian army—fearing the fall in their TRP, sponsorship, and overall boycott of their channel/publishing. Journalists, news anchors, at large, avoid touching such topics in depth. In short, army men are untouchables. And even if they commit any heinous crime, which happens in Manipur and J&K (thanks to AFSPA), it won’t get the needed coverage.