As shared by an army officer. "It's not about the profession." I was on temporary duty to attend the Republic Day Parade in Delhi. I had to stay two nights in Delhi, so I stayed at Hotel TAJ. I particularly chose this hotel because of its fame.
In the evening, I called the reception and requested them to iron my dress. After a while the room service boy came to get my dress. I handed him my uniform for ironing. He was surprised to see my uniform and politely asked Sir, you are in the army. I replied yes, he immediately took out his mobile and took a selfie with me and said, Sir, I am seeing an army officer for the first time. I have only seen him in films. he immediately stepped his feet and saluted. He said Jai Hind sir and went away.
After some time someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and to amaze myself, two beautiful girls were standing with their cellphones in hand. One of them said, Sir, we request a selfie. I did not know how to react. I smiled like a fool. I gave them chocolate from the mini bar as if they were children. But you know, what nervousness can do for you. It stops the logical flow of ideas.
At around 09, I received a call from the reception asking me if I could come down for dinner as it could be served in the room, in a very polite manner. I went downstairs to have dinner, then I noticed the real beauty of the place, surprisingly the interior. Descending from the jungles of Kashmir, the atmosphere was very uncomfortable for me. The moment I entered the main arena, I was not surprised that the entire staff was standing there.
The staff contacted me with the manager, who incidentally was the lead. The manager said- Welcome to our hotel Sir, it is a great pleasure to be in our hotel, handed me a beautiful bouquet. The manager himself had dinner with me.
next day.
To my surprise, I was provided with a BMW car from the hotel to "Rashtrapati Bhavan". To be fair, we are not used to such VIP treatment. We are more comfortable in our Gypsy.
Checkout day.
I went to the reception, handed over the card.
Receptionist: Thank you sir for your stay. how was your stay?
Me: It was very relaxing to stop. My bill please.
Receptionist: Your stay is sponsored by our hotel. You protect our nation. So this is our small token of gratitude for you. We respect your patronage. * I think I wasn't thinking that let's save money that made me feel good, but it was about the honors he showed towards "Olive Black".
I was deeply touched by this gratitude, in what great nation we live. After that incident, I wrote to the CEO of TAJ Group of Hotels. My motive is not to narrate the incident and appreciate the courtesy shown by the manager of TAJ Delhi.
Wow, a great way to pay tribute and honor to soldiers. *Tata has the best work ethic environment. *Hence they are not the richest unlike other corporates….
Then if you have money without morality then you are not good for the society….
Ratan Tata (Ratna) Zindabad. You are truly Bharat Ratna ..