Why is Karwa Chauth celebrated? What should we not do while observing the fast of Karwa Chauth? - letsdiskuss
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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | Astrology

Why is Karwa Chauth celebrated? What should we not do while observing the fast of Karwa Chauth?


Astrologer,Shiv shakti Jyotish Kendra | Posted on

Karwa Chauth is celebrated by married women to pray for the long life of their husband. It is celebrated in the month of Karthik, on the fourth day of Krishna Paksha. The fast observed on this day by married women is known as “Karak Vrat”. The festival is much like Ahoi Ashtmi and Teej. The fast starts from 4 am in the morning and is broken at night, only after seeing the moon.


Here are some rules that are to be followed for the fast of Karwa Chauth:

• Those who are keeping this fast, have to wake up at 4 am. Fastees can drink water until the sun is up. Once the sun rises, the fast begins and fastess can’t eat or drink anything the whole day.

• Do not remove your make up and accessories immediately after the pooja is over.

• You have to keep adorned with all your make up and accessories at least for two hours after the Karwa Chauth pooja.

• Putting bindi is mandatory in pooja, and after pooja as well, don’t remove it.

• Don’t cut hair on the day of Karwa Chauth. You should also not oil your hair on this day.

• Don’t wear black or white clothes on this day. In Karwa Chauth pooja, wearing red clothes is the best.

• Don’t give or take any white colored object on this day.

• Don’t do any needle work on this day.

• Don’t wash clothes on the day of Karwa Chauth.

These are some things that need to be kept in mind while observing the fast of Karwa Chauth.


writer | Posted on

This is among those Indian celebrations that are commended with extraordinary enthusiasm by the Hindu and Punjabi wedded women. The conventions of these celebrations have been pursued since antiquated occasions now. There have consistently been well-known stories for the festival of every celebration and the equivalent is with Karwa Chauth. One such story is of Savitri and Satyavan; though the other is of Queen Veeravati. As per both the narratives, your significant other can live longer by fasting and petitioning God for them with genuine commitment.

It is accepted that Savitri fasted thoroughly when Lord Yamaraj wouldn't extra her significant other's life. All that she did during the quick is petitions with genuine commitment. This was the point at which she didn't taste water or bite a nibble. Feeling constrained with her commitment, Lord Yamaraj offered life to Satyavan. In this way, ladies began fasting on Karwa Chauth for their significant other.
Ruler Veeravati's seven adoring siblings couldn't watch her sister being ravenous and they demonstrated her a bogus moon. Being ignorant of this, Queen Veeravati broke her quick and ate. Her better half passed away the following minute. On getting this news, she promptly hurried to her significant other's royal residence. While she was headed, Goddess Parvati clarified Veeravati that she finished the quick observing a bogus moon. Veeravati was paralyzed and mentioned pardoning to Goddess Parvati. So as to allow pardoning, Veeravati was approached to pursue Karwa Chauth quick carefully. She finished the quick with dedication and her better half's life was resuscitated.
Karwa Chauth is celebrated on Kartik ki Chauth according to Hindu Calendar. Ideally, as per the calculations, this day is exactly 8 days prior to Diwali.