Why is Maharashtra witnessing a massive spike again in Covid-19 cases with more than 23k cases in a single day? - letsdiskuss
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Geetanjali Sethi

Research Executive | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why is Maharashtra witnessing a massive spike again in Covid-19 cases with more than 23k cases in a single day?


Blogger | Posted on

India reports 28,903 new cases in the last 24 hours; this is the highest single-day spike this year. The highest number of cases from the total has been recorded from Maharashtra.

A report has said with more than 23k cases recorded, Maharashtra is at the beginning of the second wave of Covid-19.

Few points which have led Maharashtra to an extreme situation are-

1) The lack of rigorous testing, tracing, and containment.
2) Some believe that Mumbai Airport caters to a large number of International flyers which is leading to sustained community transmission.
3) Experts say, we cannot ignore that one of the reasons for the latest spike is the resumption of local trains.

With a few above-mentioned points, many other points that are contributing to the spike in Covid-19 cases.