Why is the solar eclipse of June 21, 2020 considered the most dangerous eclipse ever in astrology? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

@letsuser | Posted on | Astrology

Why is the solar eclipse of June 21, 2020 considered the most dangerous eclipse ever in astrology?


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Astrology and social eclipses have been associated with each other for overages now. It will not be wrong that these two words are not something that needs any introduction. Astrology refers to the science which deals with the study of the position and the movements of the celestial bodies and their impact on the life of a person, whereas eclipses or Grahans refers to the phenomena which have been known to bring some tremendous changes in the life of a person through affecting the position of their planets.

From as long as time can tell, eclipses have been known to be like a bad omen which brings only negativity hassle and hurdles in the life of a person. The impact of these eclipses has been known to be strong enough to cause a lot of disharmony and disorientation. It can seriously hamper not just the physical but also the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of a person. According to astrologers, this disharmony has often been the cause behind bringing a lot of damages in the human life, therefore it is best and wise for a person to remain calm patient and controlled during the time of eclipses so that they can ensure not just their well-being but also of those around them.

You must have often been advised to never look at the sun directly, and the scientific reason behind this is that the human eye is simply not designed to handle the power of this big gigantic fireball called the sun. Exposing your eyes to direct sunlight can be dangerous and cause damage to your retinas. Coming back to the eclipses, you are sure to be familiar with the fact that at the time of an eclipse, the sun is blocked by the moon. Now in a state where the sun has been covered by the moon, you are sure to be looking in the sky with wide eyes and wonder. Many a time the sun just pops out from behind the moon, and with its direct light can bring much damage to your eyes. This is one of the reasons eclipses are considered dangerous.

The damage that can be caused to the eyes is health-related, but what is it that makes eclipses a dangerous deal according to astrology? Well according to astrology. Eclipses are sure to have a deep impact on your planets. And with any changes in your planets, there are surely going to be changes in one’s life. It will not be wrong to say that as per the books of astrology, the eclipse is a very big deal that has the power in them to kick the human life around. What’s interesting is that only those planets are known to be affected the most which are under the radar of the eclipse.

With a big eclipse just around the corner, have you wondered why the eclipse on 21st June 2020 is being considered as one of the most fatal ones? With the moon covering 98.8 percent of the sun's disc, this social eclipse will start at 9:15 am IST and last till 3:04 pm IST will be the deepest annual eclipse of the century in India. This ring of fire will be seen in different parts of the world such as the Central African Republic, Congo and Ethiopia, south of Pakistan, northern India, and China.

You must have often heard that it is not advisable to eat or drink or even go out for that matter during the time of the eclipse. Well, the theory behind this is that in the absence of the sunlight, many new types of viruses and bacteria have been known to get active which can create a lot of health-related problems. According to astrology and mythology both it is not advisable to cook, eat or even perform Poojas at this time. The ultraviolet rays and the absence of sunlight and positivity creates an environment of negativity which can lead to many adverse effects.

With the eclipse affecting the planets in the life of a person, it will not be wrong to say that people from different sun signs are sure to experience drastic changes in their life. Experts claim that these changes will come in many ways, be it related to the health of a person, their lifestyle, health-related issues, etc.

Some factors to be kept in mind during the time of the eclipse are:

• A person might feel dizzy or tired. You may also feel that you are unable to think clearly and that something is also impacting your decision-making power.

• Avoid eating heavy meals and at odd times as it is sure to impact your digestive system.

• Solar eclipses have always been known to hurt humans, so if you feel angry irritated agitated, or out of control, you know whom to blame.

Yes, a solar eclipse is sure to bring changes in your life and when we are talking about the biggest eclipse of the year, it is only wise to be well prepared in advance. But remember it is nothing of grave danger or anything to worry about. Spend the hours of eclipse meditating, praying, eating light, and doing activities that relax you. spend your time indoors, take care of children, pregnant women,Letsdiskuss and the elderly and believe that this too shall pass. Stay safe.